As a therapist and just a normal person in my day to day, I understand how difficult it is to care for ourselves well in the current state of the world. There are so many demands for our time, attention, and energy and it feels harder than ever to prioritize self-care...and yet that also means it's all the more important to prioritize self-care. It's a tricky bind! We hear over and over again that self-care is important and we sometimes end up feeling like it's another thing we’re doing wrong or aren’t good enough at. Here are the 5 essential mindset shifts needed to improve your self care.
The Benefit of Telehealth that No One is Talking About!
Although Telehealth therapy was a thing long before COVID, the pandemic has caused more therapists and clients to move to online therapy. While some have chosen to return to in person sessions, others have chosen to stick with telehealth permanently. However, the benefits of telehealth extend beyond just your ability to go to therapy in your pajamas!
7 Steps for Preventing Shame from Getting in the Way of Your Anti-racism Work
As a white latina and psychotherapist, I see one of my roles in anti-racism work as supporting other white and white-passing folks in exploring their racial identity, privilege, and role in systems of oppression. I've noticed a lot of the same themes come up in therapy sessions and conversations as white folx respond to new-found urgency to explore their whiteness. I wanted to gather them in one place and share them here in the hopes that it will help other white and white-passing folks in their process.
Do I need therapy or am I overreacting?
This post is dedicated to all the people who consider getting support but then tell themselves: “But it is (or was) not that bad.”
Do you find yourself thinking about an event or experience that impacted you and still having some hard feelings about it, but then you tell yourself it wasn’t that bad so you should move on? Here is what’s going on and why you should do something about it.